var teamInfo={"D818D0DBB58D9A673E378E57E02D444F9E96A907729BB512":"1938","89F75C88F810F7B54F1BC067C7848CF5":"David Abashidze Stadium","E4FAE8AE56FCFFF1DC7AFC02ACE5DEE8":"252","92DC52DD0D4041625C68AA7C024C7F67":"Georgia","729294714CECF588":"
Silver medalist of Georgian Championship – In 1967, 1970, 1982 years;
Finalist of Georgian Cup – In 1966, 1967, 1971 years;
Winner of Georgian Cup – In 1962.
<\/P>","3D9B31C67DFDD0FC8C73053EF2ADBD66":"","4268BF6963F167300062241A864D4973":"2000, Staroselskiy str. 2, Zestaphoni, Georgia.","C6E00DEB351621C4":"5058","5E8F53D0A504BF86":"FC Zestafoni","937DE1BE2366A0DF":"http:\/\/","9262149CB11F269E":"Zestaphoni","42B1B76A697DFC47":"32.50","0C852134AA40B2DD":"1","A7F9B63E25A659E5":"FC Zestafoni","DD8BEAF452454A6D0A12C3D91CB3F716":"
In 30's two football teams are established in Zestafoni -“Mertskhali” (Swallow) and“Locomotive”, that often take part in local and regional tournaments.
A truly new era in the history of Zestafoni football starts form the second half of the 30's, after a metallurgical giant, Zestafoni Ferro-Alloy Plant” has been put into exploitation (actually even now plant and football develop side by side). It was by the initiative of professional committee of the plant, that a meeting of workers of the physical culture was held on May 10, 1937. A decision of establishing a football team was made on the meeting. The team was called “Metallurgi”
In 30's two football teams are established in Zestafoni –“Mertskhali” (Swallow) and “Locomotive”, that often take part in local and regional tournaments.
A truly new era in the history of Zestafoni football starts form the second half of the 30's, after a metallurgical giant, “Zestafoni Ferro-Alloy Plant” has been put into exploitation (actually even now plant and football develop side by side). It was by the initiative of professional committee of the plant, that a meeting of workers of the physical culture was held on May 10, 1937. A decision of establishing a football team was made on the meeting. The team was called “Metallurgi”
On June 18, 2004 new Football Club –“Zestafoni” was established. It is a worthy follower of valuable traditions of Zestafoni football and from the very beginning it deserved great sympathy from fans. <\/P>","50DCDC085A8BF7E4518E56CD69FC7EB2":"6,000","B52BFE7EA0432304":"","D99F4C61777FBED8":"http:\/\/\/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Stadium+ZESTAFONI+Georgia&sll=42.111038,43.011959&sspn=0.586808,1.451569&ie=UTF8&ll=42.108539,43.03113&spn=0.036677,0.090723&t=h&z=14","e_index":1};