var teamInfo={"892B81E13FEE84C5":"","A63262DC1BB20D85":"","34A0AE9CBA0644B6":"","37FE64B882E92ECB":"Ossett Town","EB91D699086F1F17846A1216AD2083C3":"1,950","84FBAAA541406939DA36722337FBDFD18D691C310C47982D":"1936","8F733ECBE2B2AD88":"Ossett","5232E2CC9B16F539059F39769247BD7D":"

Ossett Town Football Club are an English football club based in Ossett, in West Yorkshire, playing in the Northern Premier League in the 2017–18 season at Ingfield Stadium.

It is 81 years since Ossett Town AFC were formed, during a public meeting in 1936 the Mayor of the Borough of Ossett charged John Carter, a former Yorkshire League Referee, with bringing Ossett the highest possible standard of Football.

It has been a steady rise for the Club, who in 2003\/04 won promotion to the NPL Premier Division where we competed for seven season before suffering one of only a handful of relegation’s in our history at the end of the 2010\/11 season, and the first since 1980.<\/P>","4DC924206DB9E0EBA198EE9667325C9F":"","3FC9B61F2E65949724A39EA226783480":"Anh","9770E443802D7F63":"","1CD1A53514962B6A":"1","90CF36599B563A1A70185DBDF0E99AA3":"","A3B3C821F4815DD2":"3667","4215859A20E707AF2C0683BB3A054242":"18","0673ADAF04AC0C00FFFA48E815A88235":"","74BFD6A545ABAB8E":"Ossett Town","41780118C08E58E3":"","e_index":3};