var teamInfo={"B53FD9094B6C7706961F3AE3F07FA51E":"0","C606677BC35A1B73EF2C1314AB427615":"Spain","3B9127F7BC829326":"1","AEA806C1427039FE44581DB525FB9B7BD0F0E6F183CA457B":"1908","41128DAD6401C79B":"","6AA767C80F13E5B78D99D4E49AE0DBEF":"Avenida del Estadio, s\/n 30110 Churra-Murcia","90579B4DEA63C3E4":"Real Murcia","A78F9074B5AF8132E0B45C9330387DBD":"32","078F3C827B475FC4":"233","B5C54F059EE3A9A4DCB95465432A8D14":"Nueva Condomina","FAEF47752E34E7B4424428922BB6E983":"31,045","187F8138BE7BCBEE":"35.27","2C2DB8E0A27DDF86":"","A494ABC507986833":"Real Murcia","BBF1A240ACF09477":"Murcia","09138E45C3AF9F63D172519924158A69":"Spanish Segunda Division:<\/STRONG> winners 7 times","63C820864FB855F7":"http:\/\/","B53FD9094B6C7706A3358457A9AFAFFFED8DF2C618386067":"1","1A770A41820EA8876555100F4F89BC57":"

       Our first team, along its ninety-seven years of history and especially in the early twenty-six annuities, has had different names and had different uniforms, different equally as shields. Of the latter, the shields, although we refer to the colors of the club, we are going to ocuparpara knowledge of the partners and all the fans.

Murcia F.C. 1908<\/B> 
The first shield Real Murcia, which lights in their shirts (white, such as trousers) components of the team that played its first game in our city, was similar to Real Madrid, but without the crown, and with the initials.
Murcia F.C. 1921<\/STRONG>
In the 1921-22 season, becomes the name of Murcia F. C. and changes its coat Murcia F. C. In the 1922-23 season, change the uniform of the SA Murcia. Now, paprika red shirt and blue trousers.

Murcia F.C.<\/STRONG> 1922
<\/STRONG>In 1923 S. M. Don King Alfonso XIII gave the Murcia F. C. the title of Royal. Knowledge of a new coat comes to us with a date of January 1924. By then used the new shield in documents Club and also on the banners, but not on the shirts that they are continuing with the old. The new idea of player Sebastian Servet, began lucirse in Granada shirts from the 1924-25 season<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>","71917274BAF6F295":"http:\/\/\/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Estadio+Nueva+Condomina+spain&sll=38.981113,-1.851781&sspn=0.002402,0.005665&ie=UTF8&ll=38.042384,-1.144515&spn=0.002433,0.005665&t=h&z=18","e_index":2};